Sunday, July 18, 2010


The beautiful flowers of the hibiscus plant are one of my favorites!

I just took this closeup photo of one of the flowers on my hibiscus plant that I've had for over 5 years now.  This year it is blooming the best ever!!  Over 10 blooms on the plant at any given time.  Below are several more photos of the plant and the different blooms.

If you'd like to learn more about how to care for an hibiscus plant click on the link below.  These are gorgeous plants and the blooms are exquisite!


Yael said...

Hi Donna, everything you wrote about the Hibiscus is true!! It is such a beautiful flower! We here in Israel are so fortunate to have them bloom almost everywhere! Your photographs are superb!!
XXX Yael.


Hi, Yael

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

Aren't hibiscus exquisite!! Lucky have them blooming everywhere.

Tara Breanne (Tarapparel) said...

beautiful flowers! You take great photos of them too.

Just wanted to let you know there's something special waiting for you at

Micheal J said...

I love seeing so many beautiful flowers blooming.