This holiday season had started off pretty sad for me. My mom passed away from lung cancer July 6th 2007, and I was prescribed an antidepressant to help with my anger because I wasn't coping with losing my mom. She was only 67 young, and we had just lost my grandmother the Thanksgiving before, and losing my grandmother was a terrible loss for me too.
These two women were very important figures in my life and I just wasn't dealing with my loss, and my medications started doing things to me that I just didn't pick up on right away. Because I wasn't paying attention to what was going on with me and I was so focused on dealing with my loss, I almost lost it all.
The morning started out just like every other morning, but this morning I decided to drive my step-daughter to school to let my husband sleep in. I dropped her off at school and was headed back home, now granted I felt tired and run down and I did know that I wasn't getting the sleep I needed, but I thought I was ok to drive. I was driving along just fine when all of a sudden the lights went out ! I don't know what happened , it was like I wasn't really there at all ,but I do remember a feeling of the most truest peace I have ever known in my life. I felt no fear or pain, just peace.. Then I felt a presence in the car with me and I heard a female's voice talking to me in a very calming but firm instruction "Place your hands on the wheel and take hold, but not too tight", Slowly put your foot on the pedal and press slowly, do this now! I remember the car hitting the dirt and then the car spinning around like I was in slow motion. The car stopped completely and I looked around in a daze. Across the street some men were trying to attempt to climb a fence to come to my rescue, they were young firemen training. I still couldn't believe what was going on. I looked around me and still for a moment felt a presence of comfort around me. I was not afraid, and I think I should have been kind of upset but, I WAS IN COMPLETE CONTROL !! My car had completely stopped , I was facing the wrong direction so I turned the key on and started my car and as I proceeded to turn my car around and get back to my home. I rolled down the window and waved my hand to the firemen and yelled " I'm alright " , I'm OK " Thank you, and drove home.
All the way home I kept trying to figure out what had just happened to me because I had never had an accident and consider myself to be a very good and safe driver. I was feeling very alive when I got home and very hopeful because I knew in my heart and my mind that my life was saved because of an angel !! I knew this creature was here to help me, and I truly believe that my mother or my grandmother was the angel, because I felt like I knew this presence. I was so at peace and I wasn't afraid of dying or death, but it wasn't my time and my angel was there to help me and because of this I have taken a more deeper commitment to LIVING !! I don't take it for granted and I have learned to give more of myself than ever before ! I take pleasure in knowing that my mother and grandmother are watching over me and that they know how much I love and miss them.
I believe I found your website because I was meant to tell you my story. People need to know that we live in a wonderful, mystical, and sometimes yes,a sad world, but that each of us has a choice and we can either live it as a dimly lit candle or we can let it shine brightly and share that light with the rest of those lost to sadness and negativity. As for myself, I have had my doctors check my medications and I am on the right track now and I am doing great. Don't get me wrong, I will always miss them, but we will be together again in heaven when my father in his time brings me home. Until then I will live my life like it was intended to be.
Debra, thank you so much for sharing this experience with everyone. I'm happy our paths have crossed, and may your special angels always be watching over you.
Debra's name will be entered into my DZFANTASY ANGELS STORIES drawing for December, where the randomly selected winner will receive a custom designed "special" angel, created by me, in their choice of colors. If you have an experience you'd like to share click on the angel below to find out more about how you can submit your story.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at dzfairies@msn.com and put Angel Stories in the subject line.
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