(CLICK on item's title above to learn more about it!)
WELCOME, Claire and her vintage shop on Etsy, which she calls Diane's Closet (her mom's name). If you love to wear vintage clothing, you really must pay a visit to Diane's Closet as it has a wide variety of items to choose from.....skirts, tops, dresses, jackets, coats and lots more.
Let's take a moment and read Claire's interview below to get a peek into how/why she decided to start selling vintage clothing.
What motivated you to get into selling “vintage” items!
I have had a love affair with vintage clothing for a long time. My mother saved a number of items of her clothing from the 1970s, and my sisters and I would often wear them. We would also go thrift store shopping quite often and I loved bringing home the crazy and unique items we would find. This summer I got married and wore my mother's wedding dress, altered to fit my specifications. Shortly after, I quit my job and returned to school full time to work on a Masters degree. I had been searching for part time jobs with no luck when I saw a vintage suit in a shop window that reminded me so much of my mother's vintage. I decided to open a shop selling vintage clothing in lieu of a part time job.
(CLICK on item's title above to learn more about this exquisite dress!)
Is there any category of vintage items that intrigues you the most?
Clothing of course! I especially love skirts and bags. Vintage shoe bags from luggage sets make excellent purses! I had one when I was young but I have yet not happened across some to sell in my shop.
What aspect of finding and selling vintage items do you find the most enjoyable?
The fun of "discovering" unique and interesting items. You never know what you are going to happen across. It's exciting to find a item you know is old but looks like it was made yesterday. You can tell it's a quality piece.

(CLICK on the item's title above to learn more about this fun handbag!)
What vintage item would you love to find, that you haven’t already seen or sold?
A beautiful, pristine formal dress is always on my wish list.
What advice do you have for others in the selling or collecting of vintage items.
If you are searching a thrift store, always check for stains, rips, holes, etc. before you buy. They can totally ruin what you thought was a good deal. Know what you are looking for when shopping an exclusively vintage shop. If you see things that you don't think are genuine vintage, go elsewhere! There's nothing worse than paying for something you thought was pristine 1960s vintage only to find out you could have gotten it at TJ Maxx for $10. A reputable seller should be up front about where they obtained the item and the evidence they have for it's vintage status.
What is the most interesting or exciting piece of vintage that you have found to date?
The blue silk beaded 1980s era dress I currently have listed is in pristine condition because it was never worn! Those types of dresses are typically missing patches of beads because of their delicate nature. This one even still has the original tags attesting to the fact that it was not a cheap purchase when first bought!
THANKS, Claire for taking the time to share your thoughts/ideas, and of course, your line of vintage clothing! I had fun looking at the times in your shop and I'm sure others will also!
Click on any of the photos below to go directly to that item in Claire's shop, or click on the shop name to go to the shop.