(Click on photo above to learn more about these puppets)
WEEKNIT, on Etsy, is a mother (Tracy) and daughter (Jenny) team whose handknit, colorful finger puppets and other creations are sure to delight not only the youngsters in your life, but also the parents! Be sure to pay WEEKNIT a visit to see how much fun can be had using these little characters to stimulate your children's imaginations.
What led you to start creating your art/craft?
You mean I wasn't born knitting??? It's hard to remember where it all started. I suspect my "knit"wit days started when I began knitting ski hats to make money while still being a stay-at-home mom. From there, I started playing around with my knitting machine and eventually came up with a few finger puppets that my children enjoyed. I started selling a few at neighborhood boutiques. Over the years, things evolved. My finger puppet selection grew (I would guess I make around 150 different puppets or so.) as did my business.
How did you decide what medium you wanted to work with?
I started crocheting as a child. My dad wanted to encourage my new hobby and made me a deal. He promised he would buy me yarn whenever I ran out. I soon became quite speedy with my fascination of turning yarn into various creations. Suffice it to say, my dad was soon sorry he had made the deal. LOL
What aspect of creating your art/craft do you find the most enjoyable?
Probably the funnest part of the creation process for me is the design. I find it fun, yet sometimes challenging, to create new items. Often a customer request evolves into a new favorite. Some recent additions to our finger puppet line (Alice in Wonderland and Spiderman) began as customer requests.

Now these are the kind of bugs I like!
If you had to choose a fruit OR a vegetable to describe your art/craft, what would you choose, and why?
Hmmmm....I can't come up with a fruit or a vegetable, but I would describe my craft endeavors as NUTS (but in a good way)! Does that count??? YES, IT COUNTS! GOOD ANSWER!
If you had to choose one other medium in which to display your "creativity", what would that be and why?This was a hard question mainly because my puppets keep me so busy it's difficult to find time to delve into new ventures. But I always thought it would be fun to play around with salt dough. Hmmmm...finger puppets and salt dough, maybe I long to be back in preschool.
What message, if any, do you want to convey with your art/craft?I believe that my finger puppets encourage creative play. In a world where so many toys are battery-operated, I find our puppets refreshing. They encourage interaction, imagination, creativity, and most of all, fun!
What advice do you have for other artists/crafters?I think success comes in many forms. A person can have success in many different areas of his or her life (family, financial, personal, spiritual, etc.). I think you need to love what you do. What do you want your art/craft to do for you? Focus on creating success in one or more areas. Find the drive that pushes you forward to inspire, to create, to succeed.
Thank you, WEEKNIT, for a delightful interview, and for sharing your creativity with all of us.
Be sure to visit the links below to learn more about WEEKNIT creations.