Is the economy affecting the overall sales at art shows...? I would say, from talking to many artists, not only at this show, but at other shows I've done so far this season...the answer is a definite YES IT IS!
My sales at this show, were down approximately 45% from last year. However, all things considered, by closing time on Sunday, I was still pleased with what I had sold, plus all the wonderful people I got to meet.
Here is shot I took of the side of the street I was on, looking towards the State Capitol building.
Looking out through my booth...hmmm, looks like all the people are across the street...!
Below is a photo of a portion of my display.This photo is a section of the front portion of my display....with my sister, hidden there in the back!
"Art Fair Off the Square" has a farmer's market on Saturday running from the opening of the show until about 12 noon on Saturday. I took this photo before the show was really open. Once the show was open, you could hardly get through the crowds on the sidewalk..looking and buy all the baked goodies, flowers, and fresh vegetables!
Below is a photo of just one of the booths selling gorgeous bouquets of flowers for only $3.00 - $4.00 a bunch.

The lady on the right was my next door neighbor, Ursula L. Kauppinen, who has been doing this show for many, many years. She is a wonderful watercolor artist. Darn...I should have got a few photos of her work! Hopefully, next year!


In summing up this year's 2008 Art Fair Off the Square show, I'd have to say it still continues to be one of my favorite shows to do! The other show sponsored by the Wisconsin Alliance of Artists and Craftspeople is their WINTER ART FESTIVAL on November 15 & 16th held in the beautiful Monona Terrace C0nvention Center building on Lake Monona, Madison, WI. I'm really looking forward to doing the show again this year.
The fair looks like it was tons of fun. Too bad it's a bit far off for me to come and visit. Glad to hear even with the bad economy you still sold some of your little beauties.
Such a cool event!
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