What led you to start creating your art/craft?
I've been painting seriously since I was 15, and making crafts since pre-school! After college, I worked in the fields of advertising and marketing but I was always doing something on the side related to my love of paint! This "something on the side" thing took its form in having gallery shows for my paintings or selling my jewelry at local craft shows or teaching kids at an art school! As I am dealing with being diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder, I found it impossible to keep working in my field due to the stress and long hours. To keep my busy body from going crazy, I started making things. And while I've always been into recycling, it became an intrical part of what I am doing now as I needed to spend money on food and not art supplies! Necessity is the mother of creative problem solving. (Or something like that!)
How did you decide what medium you wanted to work with?
Painting has always felt right to me. Brush and canvas are where I am at home, but I enjoy learning and the challenge of figuring things out as well, so it seemed natural for me to create projects from what I had around me. Friends know to give me their cast off clothing and old jewelry and anything else that might be good for a project. My aunt sent me a box full of goodies that I have made into bunches of different objects d'art!
What aspect of creating your art/craft do you find the most enjoyable?
I love getting lost in what I am doing and then looking at the clock or hearing the phone ring and realize that I am still on planet Earth! For the recycled items, I love to get people's old stuff and then solve the problem of what I can make from it! I love color and creative problem solving and working things out and still being surprised that I can make beautiful works. And sometimes other people think things I make are beautiful too!
If you had to choose a fruit OR a vegetable, to describe your art/craft, what would you choose, and why?
The first thing that comes to mind is a rutebaga, but I think an orange is better. My art is so colorful and bright on the outside and the inside (or the meaning behind my work) is usually juicy and sweet and joyful. (And it doesn't hurt that my favorite color is orange.)
If you had to choose one other medium in which to display your “creativity”, what would that be, and why?
Pencil. I like to draw in pencil and color pencil too. It's good for my subtle moods!
What message, if any, do you want to convey with your art/craft?
My tagline is "The Art of Recycling" and my mission is "Saving the world, one art project at a time!" My method of art is to make beautiful things out of stuff that would go into the landfill, but my message is one of play and bold color, and (sometimes) of order out of the chaos!
What advice do you have for other artists/crafters?
Hmmm... depends on what the question is! I guess it would be one of my favorite things to say: "Always have the courage to be happy!"
Kelly, what a great insight you gave us, as to what makes you "tick" not only as an artist, but you, as a unique person!! THANKS AGAIN, for taking the time to share your thoughts and work with us. Be sure to visit Kelly's shop BOXING DAY by clicking on the links below.
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