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What led you to start creating your art/craft?
I started with crayons when I was little! You could not pry them out of my hands! Then I majored in Fine Arts in college, switched to Graphic Design, and thats what I do for a living. I needed more creativity in my life, so I started painting on the side. I took a jewelry making class in college and then picked it up a few years ago...I make jewelry, artwork and home goods and love it! Its a wonderful creative outlet!
How did you decide what medium you wanted to work with?
I enjoy working with all kinds of medium. Its hard for me to narrow it down sometimes. I love painting, jewelry making, clay, etc. So fun!
What aspect of creating your art/craft do you find the most enjoyable?
When I am working on a project, and have possibly struggled with some of it. Then I take a step back, and play around. The best part is seeing that work pay off with a beautiful end piece. That makes the struggle worth going through.
If you had to choose a fruit OR a vegetable, to describe your art/craft, what would you choose, and why?
An orange for sure. I absolutely love the color orange! It is vibrant, sweet, juicy, and full of life.
If you had to choose one other medium in which to display your “creativity”, what would that be, and why?
Clay! I have taken pottery classes and created bowls, etc. But never explored it like I wanted too. I'm want to of get some PMC clay and playing around to see what happens....just forming things with your hands is fun. I like to get my hands dirty...dont care about my nails at all.. hee, hee!
What message, if any, do you want to convey with your art/craft?
I want to convey a happy and positive emotions with my paintings. I want to convey a beautiful and feel-good feeling with my jewelry. I want to convey a decorative and unexpected feeling with my home goods.
What advice do you have for other artists/crafters?
Keep creating! If you feel unmotivated, down, or just plain blah....sometimes forcing yourself to do your craft can be the best thing for you! Keep plugging away at it, you never know who might love your creations!
THANKS, Bonnie, for taking the time to share your enthusiasm, your thoughts and your creations with everyone!
To learn more about Bonnie and her creativity, be sure to visit the links below.